快吧单机 攻略列表 《奖章:名人的秘密》第四章攻略


作者: 佚名 2013-05-16 15:44 互联网
Chapter4 Post25 Moveyourmouseovertheareainthebottomrightcornertoseewhatspecialelementsyoushouldbelookingforinthischapter. YouwillneedtofindBA ...

Chapter 4

Post 25

Move your mouse over the area in the bottom right corner to see what special elements you should be looking for in this chapter.

You will need to find BAD NEWZ BOYZ CD to get special bonus points.

Gaby and BAD NEWZ BOYZ CD are circled in light blue in the screenshot.

Find five stars circled in yellow in the screenshot.

There are clocks to pause the expert timer circled in green in the screenshot.

Find 18 informants highlighted in red in the screenshot.

The informants may be different when you play the game, however the location of stars, Gaby, Carrie and clocks are same every time.

After finding all 18 informants, you will need to find four pieces of picture circled in red in the screenshot.

Refer to the images to find the locations of the informants and objects.

Mini-game: Poster Puzzle

Click on the pieces of the poster and drag to the blank space in the left side of the screen.

Put together the poster to finish the puzzle.

Refer to the screenshot for the final image.


Post 26

Gaby and BAD NEWZ BOYZ CD are circled in light blue in the screenshot.

Find five stars circled in yellow in the screenshot.

There are clocks to pause the expert timer circled in green in the screenshot.

Find 19 informants highlighted in red in the screenshot.

The informants may be different when you play the game, however the location of stars, Gaby, Carrie and clocks are same every time.

Refer to the image to find the locations of all the informants and stars.

Mini-game: Finding Differences

Find 7 differences between the two pictures.

Refer to the image for the locations of all the differences.

Post 27

Gaby and BAD NEWZ BOYZ CD are circled in light blue in the screenshot.

Find five stars circled in yellow in the screenshot.

There are clocks to pause the expert timer circled in green in the screenshot.

Find 20 informants highlighted in red in the screenshot.

The informants may be different when you play the game, however the location of stars, Gaby, Carrie and clocks are same every time.

Refer to the images to find the locations of all the informants and stars.

Mini-game: Tile Puzzle

Click on tiles to swap them and complete the picture.

Refer to the screenshot for the final image.


Post 28

Gaby and BAD NEWZ BOYZ CD are circled in light blue in the screenshot.

Find five stars circled in yellow in the screenshot.

There are clocks to pause the expert timer circled in green in the screenshot.

Find 21 informants highlighted in red in the screenshot.

The informants may be different when you play the game, however the location of stars, Gaby, Carrie and clocks are same every time.

Refer to the image to find the locations of all the informants and stars.

Mini-game: Fixing the Picture

Click on pieces of the picture to swap them to the correct spots.

The location of pieces may be different when you play the game.

Refer to the screenshot for the final image.

Post 29

Gaby and BAD NEWZ BOYZ CD are circled in light blue in the screenshot.

Find five stars circled in yellow in the screenshot.

There are clocks to pause the expert timer circled in green in the screenshot.

Find 21 informants highlighted in red in the screenshot.

The informants may be different when you play the game, however the location of stars, Gaby, Carrie and clocks are same every time.

Refer to the image to find the locations of all the informants and stars.

Mini-game: Finding Jeff

Read the description in the upper left corner about the man Jeff who you are looking for.

Click on the wrong people from the screen to remove them.

Refer to the screenshot for the solution.


Post 30

Gaby and BAD NEWZ BOYZ CD are circled in light blue in the screenshot.

Find five stars circled in yellow in the screenshot.

There are clocks to pause the expert timer circled in green in the screenshot.

Find 22 informants highlighted in red in the screenshot.

The informants may be different when you play the game, however the location of stars, Gaby, Carrie and clocks are same every time.

Refer to the image to find the locations of all the informants and stars.

Mini-game: Electric Key Puzzle

Click on the instruments to find the correct sequence.

The upper side of the board it will show how many instruments are in correct position when you hit the “SUBMIT” button.

Refer to the screenshot for the solution.

Post 31

Gaby and BAD NEWZ BOYZ CD are circled in light blue in the screenshot.

Find five stars circled in yellow in the screenshot.

There are clocks to pause the expert timer circled in green in the screenshot.

Find 23 informants highlighted in red in the screenshot.

The informants may be different when you play the game, however the location of stars, Gaby, Carrie and clocks are same every time.

After finding all 23 informants, you will need to find the cell phone circled in purple in the upper side of the screen.

Refer to the image to find the locations of all the informants and stars.

Mini-game: Tile Puzzle

Swap tiles to complete the picture.

Refer to the screenshot for the final image.

Post 32

Gaby and BAD NEWZ BOYZ CD are circled in light blue in the screenshot.

Find five stars circled in yellow in the screenshot.

There are clocks to pause the expert timer circled in green in the screenshot.

Find 24 informants highlighted in red in the screenshot.

The informants may be different when you play the game, however the location of stars, Gaby, Carrie

and clocks are same every time.

Refer to the image to find the locations of all the informants and stars.

Mini-game: Taking Pictures

Click on BAD NEWZ BOYZ members when they pop up.

Don’t click on her bodyguards because they will try to block your shot.

Take five perfect pictures of BAD NEWZ BOYZ members to complete this puzzle.

Refer to the image for the solution.
